Search Results for “method”

50 years of the Method

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #88Pages 14 - 1950 Years of the Method. 1972-2022, from the first to the sixth. A legacy left by Ludwig Schubert after his brilliant European career and his trade union and community life. Officials and other staff, whether in active service or retired, we are all accustomed to finding…

US Flash June 2024

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Democratic Style in The European Commission

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9244 - 45So how does the European Commission apply its so-called democracy, and in particular its social dialogue relations with the "intermediary bodies" The European Commission is an institution governed by the Staff Regulations. For several years now, it has been trying, like society in general, to give its…

Global Cultures’ Influence on Democracy at Work

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9237 - 43This article explores how various regions implement workplace democracy, providing specific examples to illuminate the universal appeal and effectiveness of these practices. Workplace democracy go beyond geographical boundaries, embodying principles that resonate with workers globally. By incorporating democratic practices, companies and institutions worldwide are not only enhancing…

Building a Democratic Workplace

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9214 - 18Union Syndicale is the most representative union at the Council and recently secured a majority in the Staff Committee. However, this is not merely a victory, it carries with it serious duties and responsibilities. Inside the 2024 Staff Committee Elections at the EU Council In the recent…

“The day will come when social progress will be possible”

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9117 - 19Today, everyone thinks it's normal to apply this method, without realizing that thousands of colleagues went on strike for weeks to obtain it. Interview with Dr. Bernd Loescher, President USF 2015 – 2019 by Liliane Banczyk This interview was published in the 74th issue of AGORA Magazine…

When You’re a Trade Unionist, You Don’t Believe in Fatality

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9112 - 16"My main motivation was to fight against all injustices, collective and personal, to defend those who can't do it themselves and to speak up for them" It’s 2024 and USF is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I’ve been a member, through the USB, for around 30 years, I’ve…

Looking Back, Moving Forward

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #914 - 8The famous “Méthode salariale”, a very well thought trough concept initiated by USF is still a pillar of the EU Institutions’ social package. Union Syndicale Fédérale’s 50-Year Journey Beyond our celebration, Union Syndicale Fédérale’s 50th anniversary is a great opportunity to look back into achievements and into…