Search Results for “women's day”

When You’re a Trade Unionist, You Don’t Believe in Fatality

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9112 - 16"My main motivation was to fight against all injustices, collective and personal, to defend those who can't do it themselves and to speak up for them" It’s 2024 and USF is celebrating its 50th anniversary. I’ve been a member, through the USB, for around 30 years, I’ve…

Balancing Act : Women Redefining Work-Life Balance in Trade Unions

PreviousPreviousNextNextAgora #9039-55For women engaged in trade unions, the pursuit of work-life equilibrium takes on unique significance and complexity. In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the concept of work-life balance has emerged as a pivotal concern for individuals across various professions. However, for women engaged in trade unions, the…

Equality is everyone’s business !

As March is considered as a month to encourage equality for everyone, Union Syndicale reminds you that certain rights are still denied to women.